Slayer master spell osrs
Slayer master spell osrs

This is your main Damage source which is Maxed right after your Q. Your Q can also now pause the duration of your E and your R. Be aware, that damage or CC over time can still hit/kill you, even in your Q, however CC durations over time can be reduced and even be negated completely if paired with tenacity. When Master Yi bounces from a unit it will grant vision in a 600 radius around it including across terrain, though not into brushes. You cannot place wards or do any other actions beside using some summoner spells (except flash and TP) and turning your E or R on while being in your Q.

slayer master spell osrs

You can also get a 2nd Point into it at LvL 3 instead of getting your W, if you want some faster Jgl Clear. if hits 4 targets) gives you the chance to Dodge alot of Abilities and even some Ultimates of other Champs! It also allows you to follow Dashes, Blinks, Leaps, Flashes or even Blast Plants when timed correctly. Ignite also deals True damage which helps you getting your kills/resets faster.Īlmost all of the time in every Single Game because this is your Key Ability which beside dealing Damage and making you untargetable (for around a sec. On top of that it'll finish into items that are not that useful on Yi. You can but it'll also delay your item power spikes. However i really don't bring cleanse to often (almost never).īut Suseri why take Ignite if you can Buy Exe's instead? In order to play the game against suppression for example.

slayer master spell osrs

You to get QSS if you are ahead, later into the Game or if it's really necessary This also comes with experience thru playing alot of games.īut Suseri why take Cleanse if you can Buy QSS instead?īecause it'll delay your Power Spikes to much, i'd only recommend The more likely i'd decide to take the discussed Summoner Spell. The higher the threat of certain Champs in the Enemy Team is, Ignite 2/2: Soraka Swain Shaco Vladimir Kayn Aatrox Tryndamere WarwickĮxhaust 2/2: Rengar Kha'Zix Jax Fiora Vayne Riven Nidalee Xin Zhao GravesĬleanse 2/2: Fiddlesticks Rakan Morgana Braum Leona Rammus Evelynn Nocturne Ghost 2/2: A Good Reddit Post (Click Text) Ignite 1/2: Against Champs which: have any kind of heal, can use Camouflage, Invisibility or UntargetabilityĮxhaust 1/2: Against Champs which: have alot of Burst (AP, AD), could Kite youĬleanse 1/2: Against Champs which: have hard or unavoidable hard CC Ghost 1/2: Against Champs which: have low Mobility (no escape, dashes etc.), could Kite you With it you get some extra mobility you have another gapcloser or escape tool and overall it's one of the most valuable Summoner Spells on most Champs in this game. I still took it for quite a while after that since i got used to it but at my current point i prefer Flash even if the CD on it is High af. However even Exhaust got nerfed someday, in a way it was also good for Yi since AS would not get reduced by it anymore when ever you didn't have your Ult in use but for me it also lost its shine. It even had a low CD and would let you deal more damage on enemys.


Splittpushing, fighting off fed enemys or burst types were easier but also for just having that SS advantage to use in the last team fight against the enemy full build ADC was worth enough to take this SS. After Teleport got nerfed i started to use Exhaust instead to have the ultimate dueling Power. if they get ganked while your not around or even to Power Farm xD. You could splittpush, backdoor or still help your team mates f.e. Teleport was just a very effective summoner. When i started to play Master Yi in the end of Season 4/Start of Season 5 for the jungle i used Teleport and Smite as my main summoner spells. I also see taking Ghost, Ignite, Exhaust or Cleanse useful in a way in certain Gamesīut im going to stick to Flash for most of the time at current states. I'd appreciate every kind of feedback that you may offer.

slayer master spell osrs

Also mistakes will be more punishable with higher Death-Timers.

slayer master spell osrs

You don't wanna hit Full End/Late Game, cuz ye you gonna be Strong but your enemys will also be and your lead, if you had one, won't benefit you anymore since you can not get any more items at that point. If i had to give you a special tip about playing Master Yi it'll be, that you want to end your Games as Yi as fast as possible. I don't like pure Tank Items on Yi since he scales extremly well with the right damage items, which allow insane solo plays and dueling power. My Favorite Skins on Master Yi are Zephyr Dragon, PROJECT:, and Eternal Sword Yi. I really like Dragons, i'm interested in Animes, Sports (also Martial Arts) and Youtube/Gaming. Play Video Click here for proof that my builds work (might be expired) Left, Season highest reached Rank in Solo Queue | Middle, current or end of Season Rank | Right, Flex Queue Rank Hey i'm Suseri a High Elo Master Yi main and i welcome you to my Master Yi Guide.

Slayer master spell osrs